Sophomore Jace Kennel loses a tough match in the consolation semifinals 4-6. He will wrestle next round for 5th and 6th!! Let’s GO Jace!! #WTMB #HWPO (Hard Work Pays Off)
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
NCA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS!! Your Bulldog Pacers team is in Grand Island competing at the 2022 NCA State Championships TODAY!! They will take the floor at the Heartland Events Center at 2:45 and 6:00. Good luck ladies as you represent NPHS!!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
BASKETBALL GAMEDAY!!! Your Dawgs Basketball teams hitting the road and taking on the Elkhorn Antlers TODAY! Boys JV to start at 2:30 with the Boys Varsity to follow at 4:15. L-E-T-S-G-O-D-A-W-G-S #WTMB
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
SPEECH MEET DAY!!! Good luck to the Bulldog speech team as they head to Loup City for the Loup City Speech Meet. The NPHS speech team has TWO regular season competitions before the district meet!! #WTMB
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
The North Platte Schools Board of Education Community Engagement Survey closes on the 25th. Click the link to complete
almost 3 years ago, NPPSD
North Platte tied for 7th going into the final day in Class A!! Kennel, Fox, and Genatone all wrestling for medals tomorrow!!! Lets Go Dawgs!!! #WTMB
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Senior Vince Genatone wins his semifinal match at 220 LB and will wrestle tomorrow for a STATE CHAMPIONSHIP!! Great job Vince, let’s finish the deal tomorrow!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Senior Luke Rathjen loses his 182 LB 3rd round consolidation match and will be eliminated from the tournament. Luke is a great representative of the Bulldogs and he will be missed!!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Junior Hayden Brauer loses his 152 LB 3rd round consolidation match and will be eliminated from the tournament. Great season Hayden and he will be back next year!!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Junior Ryan Fox loses his 145 LB semifinal match 7-3 and will be wrestling for a medal tomorrow morning!!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Sophomore Jace Kennel wins his 120 LB 3rd round consolation match and will be wrestling for a medal tomorrow morning!!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
BULLDOG COACHES PD @ NPHS!!! The 7-12 NPPS coaches and sponsors met today for our quarterly professional development series!! We were thankful to have Ralston Head Girls Soccer coach, Tara Behrens, join us via Zoom to share how the 3D Coaching Framework IMPACTS her program!!
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Coaches PD
NPHS Activities Report (2.21.22 to 2.27.22 - NSAA Week # 34) Link: L-E-T-S-G-O-B-U-L-L-D-O-G-S!!!!!! #WTMB #HWPO (Hard Work Pays Off)
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Activities Report
Bulldogs Cheer back out there this afternoon!!! They put the cap on another successful season with a strong performance…Bulldog Nation is so proud of you and we thank you for all you do for NPHS!!! #WTMB
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
NPHS Bulldog Cheer working hard and competing at state!!! Great first performance ladies and good luck at 1:30!!! #WTMB
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
NCA STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS!! Your Bulldog Cheer team is in Grand Island competing at the 2022 NCA State Championships TODAY!! They will take the floor at the Heartland Events Center at 10:20 and 1:30. Good luck ladies as you represent NPHS!!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
STATE TOURNAMENT DAY 1: The Bulldog wrestlers will hit the mat at the CHI Center in Omaha for the first day of the NSAA State Tournament TODAY!! First round action will begin at 4:00 PM with the quarterfinal round to follow. Let’s kick the tires and light the fires boys!!!
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
BULLDOG STATE SENDOFF!!! It was great celebrating with the NPHS students and staff yesterday as we sent the wrestling team, cheer team, and Pacers off to their respective state competitions!!! Good luck to all athletes as you compete the next three days!!! #WTMB #HWPO
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
State Sendoff
INTERESTED IN GOING OUT FOR A SPRING SPORT?? Below are the NSAA Spring Sports offered here at NPHS as well as the head coaches for each and their contact information. If you have any other questions, please contact NPHS Activities Director Jordan Cudney at
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities
Spring Sports Contact
GBB Final @ GISH…GREAT finish to the regular season ladies!!! @nsaahome @Thenebpreps
almost 3 years ago, North Platte High School Activities