MEET DAY!!! Your NPHS Bulldog Track & Field teams are traveling west to Scottsbluff to take part in the 2022 Binfield Invitational TODAY!!! Action from the Scottsbluff M.S. will begin at 1:00 PM. Good luck to all athletes and coaches as you hit the track/runway/ring!! #WTMB
NP GOLF INVITE!!! Your Bulldogs Golf team will kick off their 2022 spring season as they host the 2022 North Platte Golf Invitational TODAY at the River's Edge G.C. The shotgun start will begin at 11:00 AM and play will continue throughout the day. Good luck on the LINKS Dawgs!!!
Mark your calendar for April 5, 2022, to enjoy Runza and help support the NPPS Backpack program & Food Pantry.
CONGRATULATIONS to the newly selected 2022-2023 NPHS Cheer Team!!!! We know you will accomplish great things and we all look forward to you leading Bulldog Nation this coming school year!!! #WTMB
LADY DAWG TENNIS MATCH DAY!!! Your Lady Bulldogs Tennis team will travel to McCook TODAY to take on the McCook Bison & Hershey Panthers in a JV/V Double Dual! Action from the McCook SH Courts will begin at 2:00 PM. Good luck to all athletes and coaches competing today! #WTMB
SOCCER GAMEDAY!!! Your Varsity Bulldog Soccer teams are traveling east to Kearney to take on the Bearcats TODAY!!! Games from Kearney H.S. will begin with BSOC at 5:30 and the GSOC at 7:30. Good luck to all athletes and coaches as you represent NP tonight on the pitch!!! #WTMB
SCHEDULE UPDATE: Due to low forecasted temperatures tomorrow morning (3.25.22), the North Platte Boys Golf Invitational at the River's Edge G.C. will start at 11:00 AM instead of 10:00 AM as originally scheduled. Thank you for your patience & understanding in these matters. #WTMB
Calm, cool, collected, and handles any situation with grace and dignity describes the NPPS Paraeducator for March 2022, Jordan Simpson.
Congratulations, Jordan!
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to low available numbers, the JV Boys Soccer game versus Omaha Central scheduled for Friday, March 25th has been CANCELLED and will not be rescheduled. The Varsity game time will be adjusted to 6:00 PM. Thank you for your understanding in these matters.
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to forecasted winds and temperatures, the JV Track Meet @ Cambridge Relays scheduled for Wednesday, March 23rd has been CANCELLED and will not be rescheduled. Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.
Check out this week's lower level action here at NPHS!!!
Best of luck to all athletes & coaches as your represent the Bulldogs and START your spring sports seasons on a STRONG NOTE!!!
North Platte Public Schools has the following high school coaching/sponsorship positions CURRENTLY OPEN for the 2022-2023 school year. If you are interested, please email NPHS Activities Director, Jordan Cudney at
SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to forecasted winds and temperatures, the Varsity GSOC & BSOC Games @ Kearney scheduled for Tuesday, March 22nd have been rescheduled to Thursday, March 24th with the BOYS game starting at 5:30 PM and the GIRLS game to follow at 7:30 PM. #WTMB
SOCCER GAMEDAY!!! Your Varsity Bulldog Soccer teams are traveling east to York to take part in the 2022 York Invitational TODAY!!! Games from Cornerstone Complex will begin at 10:00 AM. Good luck to all athletes and coaches as you represent NP today on the pitch!!! #WTMB
WONDERFUL job by the cast and crew of “Anastasia” tonight at the NPHS Performing Arts Center!! It was a top notch production by all parties involved and it was great seeing their talents on display!!! Good luck over the next two days!!! #WTMB
NPHS Activities Report (3.21.22 to 3.27.22 - NSAA Week # 38)
#WTMB #HWPO (Hard Work Pays Off)
MEET DAY!!! Your NPHS Bulldog Track & Field teams are traveling east to Kearney to take part in the 2022 UNK Indoor Invitational TODAY!!! Action from the Cushing Field House will begin at 1:00 PM. Good luck to all athletes and coaches as you kick off the 2022 track season!! #WTMB
NPHS MUSICAL ANASTASIA is set to take the stage starting TODAY and running through Sunday! Showtimes are listed on the graphic below and your can get your tickets on or you can pay at the door the night of. Best of luck to all cast and crew this weekend!!! #WTMB
TENNIS MATCH DAY!!! Your Lady Bulldogs Tennis team will be hosting the 2022 North Platte Double Invitational TODAY starting at 12:00 PM! Tennis will take place at Cody Park, NPHS, Madison MS, and Memorial Park. Good luck to all athletes and coaches competing today! #WTMB
Your NPHS Bulldog Speech team completed a SUCCESSFUL day at the Class A State Speech Championships yesterday!! The 10 students competed hard throughout the day & NPHS senior, Parker Long, came home with a SIXTH place medal in Humorous Prose. Congratulations on a great season!!