NPPS is adjusting the district calendar to provide teacher, principal, and support staff work time; students will not attend school on Friday, February 4th and 11th, 2022.
The Commissioner of Education has approved district-level flexibility with instructional hours. Districts are to utilize this flexibility for additional professional learning, teacher and/or staff work time, or teachers to consult with parents/caregivers, home visits, and the extra time needed to clean between sessions.
Due to the substitute shortage, student and staff illnesses, and the social and emotional demands on students and staff, NPPS teachers, principals, and support staff, these workdays will provide time to catch up on workload demands.
The district will allow teachers to work on things they have not addressed on these Fridays because of the extra duties of covering additional assignments.
Thank you,
Tina Smith, NPPS
Director of Communications
Office of the Superintendent