Daily Announcements

North Platte High School Announcements for Monday, May 10th


Human Growth and Development mobiles need to be picked up in Mrs. Kulp's room.

Any student interested in participating on the North Platte Speech Team or Play Production for the 2021-2022 season there will be a short meeting on Tuesday, May 11th at 3:30pm in room 1101.     We will be discussing activities for next Seasons productions and tournaments.    For further information please contact Mr. Cooper or Miss Addams.


Please excuse to following students on Monday, May 10th all day for their JV invite in Kearney:  Skylar Bedlan,  Courtney Coates, Laurel Daily,  Breanna Lundgreen, Torie Laubenstein, Seinna McEntire, Priscila Mondragon, and Gracie Risse