North Platte High School Announcements for
Friday, March 12, 2021 - Tuesday, March 16th
Reminder: There will be NO SCHOOL today, March 12th, Monday, March 15th and Tuesday, March 16th. Enjoy your break and we will see you on Wednesday!!
As part of their state project, the North Platte High Student Council is raising Mental Health Awareness by sponsoring a new and COVID approved HUG A HEART DAY. However, to avoid the spread of germs, this new event will be called The Luck of the Draw, and it will take place Friday, March 19th, right after St. Patrick’s Day! We want you to be celebrating you and how awesome you are! We made it to Term 4! Signups will take place in Bulldog Time, and your Bulldog Time teachers will have the instructions for how the day will look! Please see a student council member of Mrs. Werkmeister if you have any questions! Love yo’ self!
Pacer Dance Team Technique Clinic starts Tuesday, March 23rd at 6:15am in the big gym at the High School. Official tryouts start Wednesday, March 24th. Please sign up in the Activities Office and pick up a packet! Parent/Guardian Meeting will be Thursday, March 18th in the NPHS Commons Area at 6pm.