North Platte High School Daily Announcements for Tuesday, March 11, 2025
T. Schumacher
March 10, 2025
North Platte High School Daily
Announcements for Tuesday, March 11th
Attention students: All schedule changes need to be done by
3:45pm today, March 11th.
Lost and found is being set up in the south end of the commons area and will be there until Friday, March 14th. This will be the last chance to check lost and found.
Attention Athletes: Spring Sports Pictures are on the 18th at 4 pm instead of the 12th.
PROM time is just around the corner!
PROM will be held on Saturday, April 12th from 8:00-11:30pm. Guest passes are now available in the Main Office from Mrs. Persinger! All passes are due back no later than Wednesday, April 9th. Remember all lunch fees and school fines must be paid prior to picking up a guest form or purchasing a ticket! Tickets can be purchased in the Main Office starting Monday, March 31st. Junior and Senior tickets may be purchased for $15 each and out of district guests and underclassmen who are invited will cost $25 each.
Attention Seniors: If you have received a scholarship or award, and would like it recognized at Senior Awards Night on Tuesday, April 29th and printed in the commencement program, please bring or email a copy of your notification to Mrs. Schumacher in the Counselor's Office. (All scholarships can be turned in for recognition even if you don't plan on attending the college that awarded the scholarship.) All awards and scholarships need to be turned in by Thursday, April 17th.
The transportation department at NPHS is putting up a 1992 Buick century for silent auction. For more information, to check the car out, or to pick up a paper to put your bid in. Please go see Mr. Zogg in room 1729 before or after school before 4pm.
Are you interested in a career in Health Science? Physician? Physical Therapist?Registered Nurse? CRNA? Sonography/Ultrasound Tech? Healthcare Administration? Bryan College of Health Sciences- Lincoln, will be stopping by for a quick visit with anyone interested today, March 11th at 2:30pm in the Career Center.
A UNO College Rep will also be here on Friday, March 28th. Please fill out the Google Form in Google Classroom or stop in the Counselor's Office and write your name on the list with Mrs. Schumacher to sign up.