High School Daily Announcements
Friday, April 26th
The Gaming Club will meet today, April 26th from 3:30- 5:00pm. Come join us!
Reminder: Intramural basketball is tonight from 6:30-8:30 in the main gym
National Honor Society will hold its final meeting of the year, which will be a senior sendoff celebration with food and games, on Tuesday, April 30, at 3:30 p.m. in the Career Center. NHS members, please be sure to attend as to meet the three meeting minimum requirement for membership.
Attention Seniors: If you have received a scholarship or award, and would like it recognized at Senior Awards Night on Tuesday, April 30th and printed in the commencement program e-mail your information to Mrs. Schumacher in the Counselor's Office. All award and scholarship information needs to be turned ASAP if you would like to be included.
Junior and Senior Class Officer Applications are available in the Main Office from Mrs. Persinger. They are due back no later than Wednesday, May 1st at 3:00 PM. Voting will take place Friday, May 3rd 🙂
In order to ensure the safety of our students, medications will not be sent home with students. All medications, including inhalers, & Epipens that have been brought to school must be picked up by a parent/guardian/adult by 3:30 PM on Friday May 17th. Medications that have not been picked up by the last day of school will be disposed of by the nurse on May 17th.
Attention Seniors! If you ordered graduation announcements please pick them up in the Counselor's Office.
Graduation Date: Saturday, May 11, 2024
Graduation Time: 2:00pm
Graduation Place: North Platte High School Merle Bauer Memorial Field
Class Colors: Blue and Gold
Class Flower: Baby's Breath
Class Motto: Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. -
George Bernard Shaw
Undergraduate Awards Night will be held on Monday, May 13th for all 9th, 10, 11th grade students with a qualifying GPA at the end of Term 3. A list of qualifying students has been posted next to the Counselor's Office door. Please check to see if you qualify. If you have any questions or don't see your name on the list and you think it should be please see Mrs. Schumacher in the Counselor's Office as soon as possible.
Interested in attending a college presentation? See Mrs. Schumacher in the Counselor's Office to sign up! Representatives will be visiting the North Platte High School Career Center on the following dates: None at this time
Make sure to check out our NPHS Counselor's Corner for more information.