Madison Middle School Daily Announcements

Today is Tuesday, March 2nd. It is a “B” Day. 


Students if you are not in your Drive class by 8:00 you must come to the office and Raptor in. LUNCH TODAY IS:  

French Toast Sticks w/Cheesy Scrambled Eggs & Sausage, Cheeseburger, Spicy Chicken Patty  Sandwich, Cheese Pizza, Hamburger Pizza, Chef Salad w/Roll. 


The menu will be on the TV monitors for what will be served the next day.  BIRTHDAYS FOR TODAY: 

Kendra McIntosh 


In 1943, During World War II, in the Pacific, a Japanese convoy, headed to New Guinea, was  attacked by 137 American bombers as the Battle of the Bismarck Sea began.  HAL TEAM MEETING: 

Your next meetings will take place on the 23rd and 25th. The theme will be Sierpinski Triangles &  Introduce Community Service Project. 


Friendly reminder if you are wearing a hooding or coat of any kind, the hood stays off your head. WATER SPILLS and WATER BOTTLES: 

Staff and students please make sure if you spill a liquid to let the teacher or office know so it can  be cleaned up. The only thing you should have in your water bottle is water. No Pop, Power  Drinks, Gatorade, Milk etc. 


Do NOT leave your Chromebook in the vehicle overnight 


Teachers please remember to get your towels to Ms. Lomax’s room every day and any extra  towels that you have to her as well. 

MASKS: Students please remember to bring your mask with you to school. Keep them in your  trapper keeper or your back pack so you have them for the next day. 


There are still several students on the fine list. Please get these taken care of with Mrs. Simants  by March 5th! 


Free donuts for TeamMates Mentees! Now that we have your attention, TeamMates is holding a  dozen meetings for a dozen donuts challenge. Each mentee that meets online with their mentor  12 times before the end of the school year will earn 1 dozen Dunkin Donuts that will be delivered  

to their classroom! But wait it gets even better…Each winner is automatically entered in a  drawing to win an awesome bulldogs backpack filled with goodies!