Cody has voted for Golden Sower Chapter book and the winner is. . . Strongheart in 1st place and Ruby in the Sky in 2nd place. Check out these books for your end of the year or summer enjoyment!
Kyen, 4th Grader, is hosting a Lemonade Stand on Saturday, April 24th from 11:00am-2:00pm at 808 W. Phillip St. The proceeds will go to the The Connection homeless shelter. Lemonade along with brownies and banana bread will be available for purchase. #codystrong #codycares
Mrs. Cooper's 1st Grade is celebrating each day they have together until the end of the year. Yesterday, they were able to "work" with shaving cream on their desks. Good "clean" fun!
Thursday, April 22nd, 2021 Daily Announcements
Due to an increase in activities, there will be no busing to and from Adams and Madison Middle Schools on
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Friday, April 23, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
We ask that families find alternative means of transportation on these dates.
*This will not affect busing for Special Education Students.
Wednesday, April 21st, 2021 Daily Announcements
Congratulations to the 80 North Platte High School seniors who have earned 12 or more college credits through Mid Plains Community College.
Tuesday, April 20th, 2021 Daily Announcements
Monday, April 19th, 2021 Daily Announcements
Join our friends at Lake Elementary to learn why they love their school.
Friday, April 16th, 2021 Daily Announcements
Thursday, April 15th, 2021 Daily Announcements
Friday: Wear Tie-Dye to Celebrate the end of week 2 of NSCAS Testing
Wednesday, April 14th, 2021 Daily Announcements
Please help us congratulate McDonald Elementary Principal Kim Flanders for being recognized as the 2021 Women of Acheievement recipient.
Please start the line OUTSIDE of the school parking lot next to the tennis courts. DO NOT COME INTO THE PARKING LOT PRIOR TO THE SEMI UNLOADING THE DISTRIBUTION ITEMS. If you are in the parking lot prior to the gates opening we will ask you to move your vehicle. When the mobile distribution begins, cars can drive up to the gate by the Northeast corner of the football field. Patrons will drive thru the alley between the football field and the high school building, exiting on West A Street. Use only to entrance closest to the tennis courts to avoid congestion as students leave after school. While waiting for the distribution to begin you need to follow all traffic laws. Do not block driveways or streets for any reason. Safety is our number one concern and we do not want anyone to get hurt.
Today ~ You can support the NPPS Backpack Program & Food Pantry by eating out!
Visit a North Platte Runza, Today, April 13th and 10% of your sale will be donated to these programs.
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
North Platte High School
1220 W 2nd Street
1:00 pm - Until Food is Gone
Tuesday, April 13th, 2021 Daily Announcements
Due to an increase in activities, there will be no busing to and from Adams and Madison Middle Schools on
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Friday, April 23, 2021
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
We ask that families find alternative means of transportation on these dates.
*This will not affect busing for Special Education Students.
Please start the line OUTSIDE of the school parking lot next to the tennis courts. DO NOT COME INTO THE PARKING LOT PRIOR TO THE SEMI UNLOADING THE DISTRIBUTION ITEMS. If you are in the parking lot prior to the gates opening we will ask you to move your vehicle. When the mobile distribution begins, cars can drive up to the gate by the Northeast corner of the football field. Patrons will drive thru the alley between the football field and the high school building, exiting on West A Street. Use only to entrance closest to the tennis courts to avoid congestion as students leave after school. While waiting for the distribution to begin you need to follow all traffic laws. Do not block driveways or streets for any reason. Safety is our number one concern and we do not want anyone to get hurt.