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We are entering the "Sweet" part of Learning at Cody! When thinking about reading, most of us don't remember "learning" to read, instead we just know that we can read. There is a Science to Reading. We start at the very beginning with letter naming and sounds. Then students move to blends, CVC (consonant vowel consonant) words, CVCe words and more! Kindergarten through 2nd grade focusing on LEARNING TO READ and after 3rd grade our focus is on READING TO LEARN.
This month we are going to focus on READING and supports that families can do: - Turn on Closed Captioning while watching TV
- Practice spelling food that is served and common items while preparing food
- When shopping, take turns reading items at the store (this is great because there are visuals as clues)
- While driving - play I SPY through the Alphabet
- Spend 10-15 minutes nightly on School Nights reading either together as a family or individually - discuss what was read
- Go visit the Public Library
- Practice Grade Level Sight Words, Tricky Words
How do students become better readers - READING! There is nothing better to encourage reading than for children to see their parents and other adults reading.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Here is a to a fantastic 2024!
Educationally, Dr. Tami Eshleman |
Reminder: NO KIDS KLUB on Monday, February 5th and Tuesday February 6th |
We invite you to complete the following survey for Cody Elementary. Please note that mobile devices may pose a problem with submission. Please refer to the guidance listed below. There is a QR Code and Link provided. We recommend completing on a desktop or laptop.
From NPPSD Tech Dept: Please note when families take the perceptual data survey using a mobile device, the categories don't line up with the selection buttons. While it is possible to take the survey using their phone, they may need this bit of guidance.
We recommend they turn their phone from Portrait View to Landscape View to complete the survey. For each question, there are 5 selection buttons across the top. From left to right the selections are :
Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, Strongly Agree
February 5th - Parent Teacher Conferences February 6th - Parent Teacher Conferences February 9th - No School February 12th - No School (Professional Learning) February 13th - Mobile Food Pantry February 14th - Valentines Day Parties February 27th - Cody PACT Meeting
Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, January 23rd for our monthly Cody PACT meeting. We will be discussing the following:
- Cody Library Remodel (check out the picture below of some work that was done to prepare for the remodel)
- Spring Events - Details Coming Soon!
Just a reminder that we will be entering into colder temps. Please make sure students have the appropriate outerwear - coat, hat and gloves. We will be going outside if the temperature is above 15*. This is stated in the North Platte Public School Student Handbook.
If there is snow on the ground, students must have proper winter boots to leave the blacktop while there is snow on the ground.
Thank you for your cooperation! |
North Platte Public Schools has scheduled a short block each day for classroom teachers to discuss Social Emotional Topics. The common themes are emphasized throughout the school. These are great after school discussions. The students learn about positive choices and how to use these skills throughout their day at school and at home. |
North Platte Public Schools is committed to providing PE daily to our elementary students. Please make sure students either wear or bring tennis shoes to school daily. |
North Platte Public Schools believes in the importance of children being in school. Cody Elementary will be monitoring building, grade, classroom, and individual student's attendance. We are gifted with prizes for students who maintain less than Five or More Absences. We also recognize students with Perfect Attendance. This year we are monitoring our Monthly Absences by Grade, please make sure your students are coming to school.
If your child will not be in school, please call the office before 8:00am. If students are seen by a medical professional, please provide a note to the office. Students who miss more than 10 days are required to have an Attendance Meeting with Principal and Parents. As required by state statute, student who are chronically absent will have a referral sent to the County Attorney.
Students who have a temperature above 100* will be sent home and will not be able to return until they have been fever free for 24 hours. |
North Platte Public Schools works collaboratively with families to ensure that students are in school. We are proud to share that our Fall Attendance 2023 is better than Fall 2022. We do strive to be above 95% as a school. If your familiy is facing barriers to get your child to school, please don't hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Pelton or Dr. Eshleman so that we can get you in touch with community resources to help. |
Students are expected to be in school. Learning happens when students are regularly in attendance. Cody Elementary will be monitoring our attendance monthly through our different grade levels. Congratulations to 1st Grade for having the best attendance for January 2023! This is the fourth month in a row for 1st Grade. |
Core Knowledge Language Arts® (CKLA) is a comprehensive program (Preschool–Grade 5) for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in literature, world and American history, and the sciences. The Core Knowledge Foundation has partnered with Amplify Education for nationwide distribution of professionally printed and packaged CKLA classroom materials.
If you would like more information about how you can support the learning at home, don't hesitate to reach out to your child's teacher. |
Cody Elementary participates in the Community Eligibility Program (CEP). CEP schools provide free breakfast and lunch to schools. We are fortunate to provide this resource to families. If students bring their own lunch and want to buy a milk, they must bring $0.50. Some students want to have a second entrée, parents would have to provide funds for additional entrées. We are excited to have the Salad Bar back at Cody. The Salad Bar has several options for students to get fresh fruits and vegetables. Here is the link to the Sodexo Website for North Platte Public Schools. |
| February 2024 Elementary Breakfast Menu - Subject to Change | |
| Sodexo Salad Bar | |
| February 2024 Elementary Lunch Menu - Subject to Change | |
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Parent Portal Link
Instructions: Login to Parent Portal (If you don’t have a parent portal account yet, email us at welcomecenter@nppsd.org Click on “More”, then “Online Registration” Click on “Start" by "Next Year Existing Student Registration” You will see your students listed, then click “Begin Registration.” Follow the instructions to verify and update your family and student information. If you have any questions you can contact the Welcome Center by emailing welcomecenter@nppsd.org. Note for new families to NPPS that have already registered their student(s) for this fall, do not need to do the annual OLR update at this time. Note for split household families: The first guardian to sign-in to complete the OLR Update process will take precedence. The remaining household guardian will be unable to update information through the portal. If you have updates to your information please contact the Welcome Center by emailing welcomecenter@nppsd.org.
The Campus Parent App puts school information at your fingertips with real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules, and more. (If you don't have a parent portal account yet, email welcomecenter@nppsd.org) Parent engagement has a direct correlation to student success. Students with engaged parents are more likely to have higher self-esteem, lower absenteeism and earn high grades or test scores. So what are you waiting for? Log into Campus Parent and get engaged today! |
Drop-Off Supervision begins at 7:45am. We will have Walking Club on the blacktop (weather permitting) until 7:55am. At this point, students will line up with their teachers and proceed to go inside to the classrooms. Cody is a Hug and Go school where parents say their farewells at Walking Club or at Drop-Off. School officially starts at 8:05am and students are counted Tardy if they arrive after the 8:05am bell. Dismissal Kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd dismiss on 1st Street. 3rd, 4th, and 5th Dismiss from Playground (Students with younger students will be picked up with younger sibling on 1st Street) Daycare and City Bus pickup at the front doors |
Cody Elementary is a Title I School. All teachers and paraprofessionals meet the professional qualifications as required by Federal Law. Parents have the right to request credentials of staff. |
| Tami Eshleman Tami is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters |