October 4th, 2022

  • Lunch today will be French Toast Sticks with Cheddar Omelet and a Sausage Patty.

  • Breakfast tomorrow will be Soft Filled Cocoa Breakfast Bar or Cereal Bar.

  • The vending machine will be shut off during school hours. Students will not be able to purchase anything from the machine between 8:05-3:25.

  • There will be no FCS Club on Thursday.

  • Trivia  of the day, email Mrs. Krull with your answers.  In what city is Jim Morrison buried? 

  • If you are interested in selling chocolate please bring your permission slip to Mrs. Krull in the counseling office. 

  • No student council meeting this week, our next meeting will be Wednesday October 19th. 

  • Remember to follow the school dress code, Student dress and personal grooming are to be consistent with business-like classroom atmosphere conducive to learning. All shirts must fit properly and not expose midriff or low cut in the front or back. Shorts, skirts and dresses must be of appropriate length. Pants must fit at the waist, no sagging. If you fail to dress appropriately you may be asked to call home for something appropriate or the school will provide something for you.