Dear Parents and Guardians,
It is my distinct pleasure to welcome everyone to the 2022-2023 school year. It is my pleasure to serve as your Superintendent of Schools. The start of each school year brings much excitement, energy, and perhaps even some anxiety. We all feel this excitement in different ways. Students look forward to seeing friends, some of whom they may not have seen since late May, and are excited about all the new school year will bring. Parents and guardians are happy to see their children off for the start of another successful school year, yet are amazed at how fast their children are growing. Even teachers, re-energized from vacation and summer professional learning, may be trying to tame those nervous butterflies as the first day of school approaches.
Building relationships and making connections creates a community and family that has the potential to shape how our schools operate profoundly. Focusing on community, collaboration, and communication will strengthen academic achievement for all learners, build strong social-emotional support in our schools, empower educators and principals to make wise school-based decisions, and develop plans that support our schools. Most importantly, we will be better able to unlock the talents and gifts of each of our students, providing the foundation that each of them needs to realize their full potential and achieve their dreams for themselves and their future.
In our public schools walk the scientists, farmers, electricians, researchers, educators, welders, doctors, artists, and political leaders of the future. We are proud to share in the growth of each of these students and look forward to the exciting journey they will take to achieve their dreams.
I am honored, humbled, and excited to work with you and our incredible team of educators, staff, administrators, and school leaders to prepare ALL students to be productive, responsible citizens in a safe, caring, supportive learning environment. Welcome back!
Kind Regards,
Dr. Todd Rhodes, Superintendent
North Platte Public Schools
Listen in as Dr. Rhodes shares his journey and excitement about NPPS with Husker Radio.