1 DAY LEFT until the Dawgs wrestling team hosts the Gering Bulldogs in a JV/V dual in the historic "Canteen Downtown District" at 5th & Dewey!!! Wrestling will begin at 5:00 PM SHARP!! If you cannot make it, the action will be livestreamed at www.northplattepost.com. #WTMB
BASKETBALL GAMEDAY!!! Your Dawgs JV/V Basketball teams are hosting the Millard West Wildcats in their 21-22 season opener! Girls V/Boys JV start at 5:00 w/ Boys V/Girls JV to follow at 6:30 PM. If unable to make it, follow the livestream at www.northplattepost.com!!! #WTMB
We invite you to view the December Superintendent Briefing.
In this briefing, you will find:
A note from Dr. Hanson
Tips for online safety
Events happening around the district
and More
View the December Briefing at, https://www.smore.com/dpexn
WINTER SPORTS PICTURE DAY!! The NPHS wrestling & basketball teams will be getting team/individual pictures taken on Wednesday (12.1.21) in the Dawg House Gym. The schedule is as follows:
2:30 - WR
2:40 - BBB
2:50 - GBB
*S & D done at Rec Center on different day*
BATTLE ON THE BRICKS!! The Bulldogs Wrestling team will kick off the 21-22 season with a bang!! The Dawgs will dual Gering High School on Friday (12.3.21) DOWNTOWN ON THE BRICKS in the historic Canteen District!! Wrestling will start at 5:00 PM!!! Let's Go Bulldogs!!!
Would you please help us celebrate Cody Elementary 2nd-grade students and teachers Mrs. Reed and Mrs. Condon for representing the state of Nebraska on the National Christmas Tree Project.
Thank you for supporting North Platte Public Schools! Listen in as Dr. Hanson and Terri discuss how your gifts have helped NPPS education.
Congratulations Paraeducator of the month for November, Crystal Lee.
We appreciate you, your hard work, and dedication to NPHS students.
START OF NSAA WINTER SPORTS SEASON!!! The NSAA Winter Sports season starts today for the state of Nebraska! Best of luck to all Bulldog athletes as they kick off their winter sports seasons today!!! #WTMB
The NPHS Band is no stranger to Superior Ratings. Listen in to learn what it takes to achieve this status!
Click Here To View, https://youtu.be/rTFpsEgXsVQ
NPHS Bulldogs Activities Report 11.15.21 to 11.21.21 (NSAA Week # 20)
LINK: https://www.smore.com/02c86
#WTMB #toughtogether
Due to lack of driver availability, we will not run the Adams/Madison bus route on Tuesday November 16th.. This does NOT apply to special needs bussing…sorry for the inconvenience.
Congratulations to this year's 2022 Singing Youth Honor Choir participants: Asher Strecker-Bass, Carter Barnason-Foster-Bass, Eban Thompson-Bass, Emmy Cassell-Soprano, Finnley Eickhoff-Tenor, Henry Cline-Tenor, Kennedy Schimek-Alto, Mischa Luna-Soprano
These students were selected from almost 200 auditions across Nebraska, and will represent Adams Middle School at the event in January at NPHS.
Thank you Veterans!
All set to Wrestle! Come out to the D&N Center to support your North Platte Middle School Wrestlers 4:00 sharp!
NPPS November Mobile Food Pantry!
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021 @NPHS
1:00 P.M. - Until All Food Is Distributed
NPPS November Mobile Food Pantry!
Tuesday, Nov. 9, 2021 @NPHS
1:00 P.M. - Until All Food Is Distributed
Congratulations Bulldogs of the month Graesyn and Thomas!
To: District Staff, Households, and School Students
Date: November 8, 2021
Subject: Supply Chain Disruption
Click this link to read the article https://www.nppsd.org/article/581146
You are invited to view the November 2021 NPPS Board of Education Meeting Zoom webinar.
When: November 8, 2021, 5:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Topic: November 2021 North Platte Public Schools Board of Education Meeting
Click to join: https://zoom.us/j/93329060307?pwd=emxpY2dFTU14YVhoTW9YdmMvODJqUT09