Celebrating the power, strength, and achievements of women today and every day. Let's continue striving for true equality in all aspects of life.
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Women's Equality Day
At the end of August, the link on our website to the school menu will be changed to a new site. In case you want to bookmark it early, it can be found here: https://nppsd.nutrislice.com/
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
New School Menu Site!
Please fill out the form if you are wanting to order a t-shirt for the You Matter Walk. Shirts are $25 and proceeds will be going to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. They will either be available for pick up at the walk or we will designate another day to pick them up. Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfvN02LOIbi1VvbCX-E2uJVR6-Z9kzLV3LHahSdSQ4UCZcB3Q/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
The World Needs You Walk
No better way to end a Thursday than with some SUPER NEWS! Welcome, Kendra!!
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Welcome Kendra Burkholder!
Bulldog activities looking their very best in Blue and Gold for picture/media day! #WeRNPPS
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Media/Picture Day
Media/Picture Day
District AdCo dividing into small groups for some teamwork. A lot of discussion, problem solving, and important information today! #WeRNPPS
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Beginning August 26h, we will be making these adjustments to our bussing times to support students and staff with a smoother transition between Adams and Madison. 6th grade students getting on the bus at Adams: Parents will need to drop off students by 7:20a.m as the departure time is 7:25 a.m. Students will load on the west side of Adams as the bus will be parked in the horseshoe instead of by Rm 702. Students will be checked in and then board the bus. 7th & 8th grade students getting on the bus at Madison: Parents will need to drop off students by 7:35 a.m as the departure time is 7:40 a.m Bus will unload students by Rm 702.
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
NPPS Adams & Madison Bussing Announcement
Good luck, and have fun to all our fall sports/clubs/activity participants! #WeRNPPS
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
NP Mighty Bulldogs
Stay tuned for updates we will be making for our online lunch menu!
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Lunch Menu App
Lunch Menu Spanish
It's that time of year! Go Bulldogs!
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Gatorade Scrimmage August 23 6:00 pm
NPHS Mobile Food Pantry Tuesday, August 13th! Please start the line outside the school parking lot next to the tennis courts. Do not come into the parking lot prior to the semi unloading of the distribution items. This is an open air, drive thru distribution. Patrons will drive their car through a line, and volunteers will bring boxed food to the car. Free of charge. 325 households will be served on a first come, first serve basis. The Food Bank of the Heartland sponsors the Food Pantry.
4 months ago, North Platte Public School District
NPHS Mobile Food Pantry Tuesday 8/13!
SPED Strategies training is rockin' at Madison this morning! #WeRNPPS
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
SPED Strategies
Today is National Book Lovers Day! How many of you get caught up on your reading during the summer?
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Book Lovers Day
What a great day to celebrate our staff returning to school as they influence, inspire, and impact students this 24/25 school year! Thank you Lisa Utterback for sharing your story with us! #WeRNPPS
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Dr. Rhodes
Lisa Utterback
It's about time for our welcome back message! #WeRNPPS
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
We had our official new teacher introductions from their administrators, along with morning training sessions, and then they were able to meet and have lunch with their mentor teachers! Thank you NebraskaLand Bank for hosting us this afternoon!
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
New Teachers Introduction
New Teachers Mentors
With school about to start back up, it's a great time to remember that August is National Truancy Prevention Month. We can't wait to see our kids in school!
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Truancy prevention month
August is National Get Ready for Kindergarten Month! It's almost time to welcome our little ones to their first day of school!
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
Get Ready for Kindergarten Month!
Lots of enthusiasm and excitement in this room this morning! We love the energy our new teachers are bringing on their first day! Welcome to North Platte! #WeRNPPS
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District
New teachers' first day!
New teachers' first day!
New teachers' first day!
Teammates, Student Services, and District AdCo had a great day and a great turnout for the backpack drive at NPHS! #WeRNPPS
5 months ago, North Platte Public School District