

Staff, students, and visitors entering any NPPS facility are expected to conduct a self-screening for COVID-19 symptoms every day before arriving.

*Every day, ask yourself or your student the following screening questions PRIOR to entering an NPPS building:

Do you have one of the following?

  • Fever of over 100.4

  • The onset of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • New onset of dry cough

  • New onset of loss of taste or smell

Do you have two or more of the following? (lasting more than 24 hours without a known cause)

  • Chills longer than two hours

  • Congestion and/ or runny nose

  • Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

  • Sore throat

  • Headache

  • Muscle pain

Have you had contact with COVID-19?

  • Contact longer than a cumulative 15 minutes within 6 feet without a face covering or residing with someone who is positive.

If you answered YES to ANY of the above questions, do NOT go into an NPPS building. Instead:

  • Contact your doctor or seek medical care & contact your immediate supervisor.

  • Get tested for COVID-19.

  • Self-isolate. Do not go to an NPPS building until you have a negative COVID-19 test result or have been cleared by a medical professional.

Get tested for COVID-19.