North Platte Public Schools - Brand Guide & Communications Plan
North Platte Public Schools (NPPS) has several brands developed by district communication and district and school leaders. Leveraging our brand position and assets adds value to every school, building, and team message. This brand guide is a resource to all who communicate on behalf of NPPS with our many diverse audiences. Please use these guides as you develop content on behalf of any NPPS school, department, team, club, or activity.
Titles & headings, Anton, title or heading case
SUBHEADINGS, Lexend SemiBold, uppercase
Paragraph and main body text, Lexend Regular, standard case. Titles/headings and subheadings should be used sparingly. In most text cases, Lexend Regular is the default district typeface. The preferred weights of Lexend are Regular, Medium, and SemiBold. Lexend Light and Thin may be used in special cases, though consideration of accessibility and readability must be considered.
Anton and the Lexend font family are available free and fully-licensed from Google Fonts, ensuring availability and streamlined website integration. Anton and the Lexend family are the official fonts and should be used whenever possible. In the event fonts are unavailable on a system, seek assistance from an IT professional to have them installed.
Only when absolutely necessary, Impact may be substituted for Anton, and Century Gothic Regular and Bold may be substituted for Lexend Regular and SemiBold, respectively.
NEW Apparel Fonts
You may now use the following fonts when creating graphic designs for apparel.

Consistent use of the correct colors is an important part of the district’s visual identity. The following hex values are the ONLY allowed colors – any change or variation is a violation of brand guidelines and requires district approval for use.
Select the tab below to determine the correct colors for each location.
The following four marks, or “assets,” are the highest form of visual representation of the district. Logos build relationships with people and serve as a reminder of who we are and what we stand for. It is crucial, then, that only approved marks are used and guidelines are followed.
Note: The NP Bulldogs logo can be adapted to include the name of any NPPS team, club, school, or activity.
Examples: NP FCS, NP Speech, NP Volleyball