Title Information

Washington Elementary receives federal funds from the Title I program.  These funds help students who are not achieving at grade level in math or reading in high-poverty schools.  One requirement of a school identified is to establish an Accountability Compact Team to assist in planning and evaluating strategies for improvement in the elementary school.  Members of the team include staff from our district, Nebraska Department of Education (NDE) staff, and a parent from our school district.

  • As a Title I School, all teachers and paraprofessionals meet the professional qualifications. Parents and guardians have the right to request the district to provide (in a timely manner) the professional credentials of their student(s) teacher(s).  

  • Parents and guardians may also request the district to provide (in a timely manner), information regarding any State or District policy regarding student participation in any assessments. 

  • North Platte Public Schools will provide a copy of the individual progress reports of students’ performance on state standards.

Washington School Wide Plan

North Platte Public Schools Annual Report 2023-2024

NPPS Title I Parent and Family Engagement Policy #5057

Nebraska Education Profile (NEP)

  • Data about North Platte Public Schools and student performance can be found by clicking on the Nebraska Education Profile link.