NPHS Annual Day for Mental Health
November 22, 2022
The North Platte Public Schools second annual day for mental health is hosted in conjunction with Great Plains Health and the NPPS Student Services Department. This year students from the junior and senior classes will focus on Resilience.
The information below will highlight sessions students can participate in and an overview of the day.
2022 Day For Mental Health

Sponsors of the Mental Health Day and the guest speaker, Tom Farley, include:

New - Guest Speaker Announced!
The November 22, 2022, Day for Mental Health has an addition. Tom Farley, older brother of the late comedian and actor Chris Farley. Tom will close the day by sharing a message about addiction, recovery, and prevention.
Tom Farley
Tom Farley grew up in Madison, WI and graduated from Georgetown University with a degree in Marketing. He began his career as a marketing and communications professional in the banking and finance industry, living and working in the New York City area.
From 1999 to 2012, he ran The Chris Farley Foundation, a nationally recognized non-profit dedicated to substance abuse prevention. Like his brother, Tom was successful in opening the “eyes and ears” of youth audiences through the powerful and effective use of humor.
In 2008 he wrote “The Chris Farley Show”, a New York Time bestselling biography of his late brother, the actor and comedian Chris Farley. He has been interviewed on The Today Show, Good Morning America, Larry King Live, Fox News and The View. He has also been featured in People Magazine, USA Today and several national and regional newspapers and publications. Tom is a Community Relations Coordinator for Rosecrance Health Network, a leading provider of behavioral health services with nationally recognized addiction treatment programs. He is also a motivational speaker, delivering messages on substance abuse prevention and recovery.
Tom lives in Madison, WI.

Photos from the 2021 Day for Mental Health Event.