High Ability Learner (HAL)

About Program


The purpose of the high-ability learner (HAL) program is to identify and assist high-ability students in reaching their highest potential. The program is intended to provide rigorous, differentiated opportunities that intellectually and personally empower students to attain the highest level of achievement possible.

 Program Components:

Curriculum-based services: Curriculum-based services are modifications of the core curriculum in response to the learning needs of the student. The core curriculum is differentiated to adjust levels of required learning so that all students are challenged, provided with in-depth learning experiences, and introduced to various types of enrichment in regular curricular experiences. The classroom teacher is responsible for the curriculum-based services. The HAL Building Coordinator supports curriculum-based services.

Student-based services: Student-based services are learning opportunities above and beyond the core curriculum and are often extended to learning activities outside of the classroom. The HAL Building Coordinator is primarily responsible for these services: quarterly learning objectives, workshops, small group learning experiences, individual projects, competitions, and curriculum extension activities.  Classroom teachers support student-based services.